Toilet is one of the most important innovations in the history of mankind. Over centuries, toilets have helped save lives and improve health across communities.
Despite them being indispensable in our lives, we do not talk much about toilets. We do not talk about the frightening reality that a lot of people still lack access to this basic necessity. We do not talk about the interesting toilets we ignore while on sightseeing trips. We somehow do not like to think that they can be a good subject for conversation.
The United Nations has declared the 19th of November as
World Toilet Day. With this initiative, it hopes to help break taboos around toilets and make sanitation for all a global development priority.
At The Loo Story (TLS), we like this idea very much. In support of their thoughts, TLS is proud to bring you a series of interesting episodes which are all related in some way to the loo.
In this journey, we hope to introduce to you a host of special loos and loo experiences from across the world. In addition, we will also bring interesting loo trivia across to you.
All we expect, in exchange, is your support. Make sure that you enjoy our content, and share it with your family and friends. If you have content that would look great on this site, do share it with us by commenting here.
Welcome to TLS. Come, let us talk about the loo!